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The Allowance Organizations Portal

The Allowance Organizations Portal

The Allowance Organizations Portal (AOP) created by TESCO SW is a complex solution for effective communication between an authority and allowance organizations.

Solution benefits

The Allowance Organizations Portal offers a tool for the management and collection of information from an allowance organization (AO), such as the registration and administration of the tasks of the founder for the AO, the collection of various types of reports from the AO (vacation, substitutions, etc.), the registration of AO contracts, the publication of manuals, methodologies, frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the user, links to other systems or websites, options for integration on/into the agendas and systems containing the AO data, and more.

A tool for monitoring and evaluating the submitted and processed tasks (the response duration, the speed of solutions, etc.).
A tool for monitoring and evaluating the submitted and processed tasks (the response duration, the speed of solutions, etc.).
A system for two-way communication between the authority and allowance organizations.
A system for two-way communication between the authority and allowance organizations.
The task registration watching the deadlines for you.
The task registration watching the deadlines for you.
A solution with optimized ergonomics (submitting a task and reporting with a few clicks).
A solution with optimized ergonomics (submitting a task and reporting with a few clicks).
The system the added value of which is in the communication interface with other systems.
The system the added value of which is in the communication interface with other systems.
A modern web application which does not require the installation of any add-ins.
A modern web application which does not require the installation of any add-ins.
A solution for the distribution of documents to the Central Register of Contracts.
A solution for the distribution of documents to the Central Register of Contracts.
An information system that respects the hierarchy of the organization and allows substitutability.
An information system that respects the hierarchy of the organization and allows substitutability.

Modules / Solution areas

The Allowance Organizations Portal is the solution providing well-arranged records and entry management (tasks, reporting, request forms, contracts, and information on the allowance organization). It respects the hierarchy of organizations, allows them to delegate tasks, but users can also define their substitutes. The system allows them to set the task priority. It watches the entry deadlines and, if their expiration draws nearer, a notification can be sent by an email, SMS, or the entry colour can be changed. A document can be attached to the entries. The Allowance Organizations Portal provides also a user interface which can be used to easily upload and publish contracts.

A significant advantage of the whole solution is the simplicity and maximum optimization of ergonomics when entering any request is a matter of a few clicks from both the founder and the side of the allowance organization.

On the basis of the agreement with the Customer, a given interface can be connected to the Central register of contracts. The law states that the state, region and larger municipalities and other organizations will have the obligation to publish contracts in the central Internet register from mid-2016. In 2017, a new rule is going to be enforced according to which an unpublished contract will not be effective. The contracts with the fulfilment over CZK 50,000 without VAT are going to fall within the norm.    

Public information

Public information serves the general public, possibly also the unregistered representatives of allowance organizations. The AOP provides a basic set of bookmarks the number of which can be changed according to the customer’s organizational structure (Transport, Culture, …). Therefore, the system can have a common basic interface, but also a specific one for a particular organizational unit (e.g. a department). There is also a full-text search and the start page includes some information valid for all allowance organizations and founders. Systém tedy může disponovat společným základním rozhraním, ale také specifickým pro konkrétní organizační jednotku (např. Odbor). K dispozici je i fulltextové vyhledávání a na úvodní stránce informace poplatné všem příspěvkovým organizacím, ale i zřizovateli.

The private zone of the founder

On the basis of assigned permissions, the system decides whether it is accessed by a founder user or allowance organization user after logging in and renders the appropriate interface. The private zone of the founder is used to enter and record tasks, request form solutions of allowance organizations, information, contracts, and administration. There is also a richer menu allowing to reach other applications related to the Allowance Organizations Portal.

The allowance organization private zone

The allowance organization private zone is used to solve tasks, enter reporting, request forms, contracts, and administration. There is also a richer menu allowing to reach other applications related to the AOP including the management of both the users and positions in the particular AO. The allowance organization can enter reports, request forms, contracts, revise its contact data, deal with financial plans, see the assets of the organization, etc. The term reporting refers to notifications towards the founder. The AOP has a basic set of the most common types of notifications which can be freely changed upon the customer’s request. Notifying the vacation is then as quick as four mouse clicks! V sekci žádostí má občan historický přehled o svých vyřízených žádostech i o těch, které čekají na vyřízení. Je možné k nim doplňovat další komentáře a přikládat potřebné přílohy. Dále je pro občana k dispozici sekce rezervací, která je napojena přímo na rezervační systém města. Není nutné, aby občan čekal ve frontě na úřadě, vše potřebné si vyřídí online a pokud si musí vyřízenou žádost na úřadě vyzvednout, objedná se na konkrétní čas.
The Allowance Organizations Portal
The Allowance Organizations Portal
The Allowance Organizations Portal
The Allowance Organizations Portal
The Allowance Organizations Portal

tel. 587 333 602

tř. Kosmonautů 1288/1
779 00 Olomouc



tel. 587 333 602

tř. Kosmonautů 1288/1
779 00 Olomouc